Use Green Gems to power your breath attacks, when you run out you can't use them and will either have to go find some more or just use your melee attacks. Health does not refill by itself without a certain piece of armour equipped. Collect 4 parts for Spyro to upgrade and 5 for Cynder to upgrade, each Crystal gives one part to each character. You can upgrade the health bars by smashing the large Red Health Crystals you'll find hidden in levels, these are rare and are needed for 100%. If either character dies you'll be sent back to a previous checkpoint, these tend to not be too far away but can be. Collect Red Gems to fill it up as otherwise you'll end up dead. Health is displayed by a red bar on Spyro and Cynder's section of the display.

Red gems heal you, green gems fill your magic bar and blue gems add to your experience pool. Most everything should also apply to the PS2, Wii and Xbox 360 versions but not to the Nintendo DS version, check out my other guide for that version. Welcome to my walkthrough for the The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon's PS3 version. Third in a trilogy, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon uses free-flight and co-op play to finish off the story. Joining the Spyro roster this year are Christina Ricci, Blair Underwood, Mark Hamill and Wayne Brady, rounding out an all-star voice cast.The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon Console Version Console Version Introduction Reprising their roles as the characters of Spyro and his mentor Ignitus, are two popular Hollywood leading men, Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy) and Gary Oldman (Sirius Black from the Harry Potter films). As evil spreads over the world, Spyro and Cynder must discover new abilities and unlock their true powers to defeat Malefor and stop him from destroying the world. In this third chapter of the epic Legend of Spyro® trilogy, Spyro must fulfill his destiny and face the Dark Master. Three long years have passed since Spyro and Cynder were trapped in the crystal, since then Malefor has unleashed his evil onto the world. The Darkest Hour is Right Before the Dawn.